MLACW (now mLAC) is an institution of excellence located strategically in the vicinity of national institutes of repute, such as Indian Institute of Science, Institute of Wood Science & Technology, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Raman Research Institute and Central Power Research Institute.



30 April, 2024


30 October, 2023


Department of Psychology


  • To continually challenge ourselves to enhance the quality of our program, emphasizing the Science of Psychology
  • To uphold the highest ethics and values that define our discipline.
  • To be the preferred Undergraduate & Post Graduate Psychology program in South India


  • To provide students with learning experiences that facilitate their acquisition of the body of knowledge inherent in the study of human behaviour
  • To create an environment in the department that reflects a concern for students as persons by a commitment to quality
  • To provide opportunities for students and faculty for self-understanding as well as an understanding of self about  society

The Department of Psychology was established in the year 2006 and was offered in combination with Sociology and Social Work. From the academic year 2009-2010, Psychology is being offered with Journalism and Sociology as well. Both of these are B.A. degrees. Recently, from the academic year 2013-2014, Psychology is offered with Botany and Zoology as a B.Sc. degree. In 2018, an add-on course on Health Psychology was initiated followed by a course on Learning Disabilities in 2019. The objectives of the department are to provide an environment that is “learner-centric”, to provide value-based education, to help students communicate effectively, and to sensitize students regarding various contemporary psychological concepts. 

The Department has a well-equipped laboratory with all the necessary standardized tests on intelligence, personality dimensions, interests, aptitudes, etc. The Department has always been striving to keep students informed about new developments in the field by inviting experts to conduct seminars and workshops.

One of the primary roles of the Department is to offer psychological support to both students and parents. Individual sessions with parents are regularly conducted. Confidential counselling is offered to any student of the college who requires emotional support.

To summarize, while promoting academic excellence, the Department of Psychology also emphasises the holistic personality development of students.


Title Year Download
BA PJS (2016-18) 03 Jul, 2016 Download
Psychology NEP syllabus 24 Jan, 2024 Download
Health Psychology 02 Oct, 2019 Download
Psychology NEP syllabus 24 Jan, 2024 Download
Bsc PBZ (2019-21) 03 Jul, 2019 Download
BSc.PBZ (2016-2019) 01 Jun, 2016 Download
BA PJS (2019-21) 03 Jul, 2019 Download

Course Outcome

Course Outcomes – Psychology

1st year

Semester I Basic Psychological Processes Paper 1 [CO1.1: Comprehend the major perspectives and concepts of Psychology.]

Semester I Basic Psychological Processes Paper 1 [CO1.2: Apply the concepts and perspectives for a better understanding of one's own and other's behaviour and mental process.]

Semester I Basic Psychological Processes Paper 1 [CO1.3: Conduct scientific inquiry and bridge the gap between theory and practice through experiments.]

Semester I Basic Psychological Processes Paper 1 [CO1.4:  Grasp the neurological and physiological processes involved in learning and retention.]

Semester I Basic Psychological Processes Paper 1 - Practicals  [CO1: Apply various intelligence tests in a clinical setting.]

Semester I Basic Psychological Processes Paper 1 - Practicals  [CO2: Understand the practical application of memory tests.]

Semester I Basic Psychological Processes Paper 1 - Practicals  [CO3: Develop skills of observation and scientific reporting.]

Semester II   Basic Psychological Processes Paper 2 [CO2.1: Enhance critical and creative thinking skills.]

Semester II   Basic Psychological Processes Paper 2 [CO2.2: Dispel myths and misconceptions about a host of important everyday behavioural concepts.]

Semester II   Basic Psychological Processes Paper 2 [CO2.3: Communicate with self and others empathetically.]

Semester II   Basic Psychological Processes Paper 2 [CO2.4: Develop into a Whole Person by integrating the physical, emotional, spiritual, social and psychological aspects of one's personality.]

Semester II   Basic Psychological Processes Paper 2 - Practicals [CO1: Grasp concepts like reasoning, brain dominance, illusion and suggestibility practically.]

Semester II   Basic Psychological Processes Paper 2 - Practicals [CO2: Identify various personality types through experiments.]

Semester II   Basic Psychological Processes Paper 2 - Practicals [CO3: Develop skills of observation and scientific reporting.]

2nd year

Semester III Developmental Psychology Paper 3 [CO3.1: Evaluate the effectiveness of theories in terms of their practical applications in parenting and teaching.]

Semester III Developmental Psychology Paper 3 [CO3.2: Analyse the interdependence of the cognitive, psychosocial, and physical domains of development.]

Semester III Developmental Psychology Paper 3 [CO3.3: Comprehend major developmental milestones for children from conception through childhood using research methods.]

Semester III Developmental Psychology Paper 3 [CO3.4: Understand the different stages of childhood with different facets of development.]

Semester III Developmental Psychology Paper 3 - Practicals [CO1: Understand the various approaches to learning.]

Semester III Developmental Psychology Paper 3 - Practicals [CO2: Identify issues that students face in their personal and academic life.]

Semester III Developmental Psychology Paper 3 - Practicals [CO3: Improve their self-concept by understanding themselves.]

Semester III Developmental Psychology Paper 3 - Practicals [CO4: Develop skills of observation and scientific reporting.]

Semester IV Developmental Psychology Paper 4 [CO4.1: Understand the various causes or reasons for disturbances in the developmental process.]

Semester IV Developmental Psychology Paper 4 [CO4.2: Understand the shift in the family dynamics, vocation and relationships from generation to generation.]

Semester IV Developmental Psychology Paper 4 [CO4.3: Examine key principles of ageing including factors associated with successful ageing.]

Semester IV Developmental Psychology Paper 4 [CO4.4: Identify mental, physical, social and spiritual aspects of grief responses and help in the grieving process.]

Semester IV Developmental Psychology Paper 4 Practicals [CO1: Administer peer pressure and emotional maturity scale to adolescents for understanding adjustment to their environment and their emotional growth.]

Semester IV Developmental Psychology Paper 4 Practicals [CO2: Understand the mental and physical health of individuals in the later stages of life through administering inventories.]

Semester IV Developmental Psychology Paper 4 Practicals [CO3:  Develop skills of observation and scientific reporting.]

3rd year

Semester V Abnormal Psychology Paper 5 [CO5.1: Acquire an understanding of historical development of abnormal behaviour]

Semester V Abnormal Psychology Paper 5 [CO5.2: Comprehend the classification of psychological disorders.]

Semester V Abnormal Psychology Paper 5 [CO5.3: Understand assessment, symptoms, and treatments of the major psychological disorders.]

Semester V Abnormal Psychology Paper 5 [CO5.4:  Acquire an understanding of abnormal behaviour patterns and thereby learn to distinguish abnormal behaviour from normal.]

Semester V Abnormal Psychology Paper 5 - Practicals [CO1: Use various tests for diagnostic and counselling purposes.]

Semester V Abnormal Psychology Paper 5 - Practicals [CO2: Administer, analyse and create a report]

Industrial Psychology Paper 6 [CO6.1: Apply psychological principles and improve the productivity, satisfaction, safety, health and well-being of those within the workplace environment.]

Industrial Psychology Paper 6 [CO6.2: Gain an understanding of the nuances of the selection and placement process.]

Industrial Psychology Paper 6 [CO6.3: Understand how employee morale is akin to the affective climate of an organization]

Industrial Psychology Paper 6 [CO6.4: Understand how our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions influence how we buy and relate to goods and services.]

Industrial Psychology Paper 6 Practicals [CO1: Recognise different abilities using psychometric tests.]

Industrial Psychology Paper 6 Practicals [CO2: Assess career interest in adolescents.]

Semester VI   Abnormal Psychology Paper 7 [CO7.1: Pursue higher education and build a career in Clinical Psychology.]

Semester VI   Abnormal Psychology Paper 7 [CO7.2:  Identify and Apply the various techniques of therapies.]

Semester VI   Abnormal Psychology Paper 7 [CO7.3: Understand the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and be an advocate for mental health care services.]

Semester VI  Abnormal Psychology Paper 7 [CO7.4: Enhance personal and social interactions by using the knowledge of major theories of abnormal behaviour.]

Semester VI  Abnormal Psychology Paper 7- Practicals [CO1: Use various tests for diagnostic and counselling purposes.]

Semester VI  Abnormal Psychology Paper 7- Practicals [CO2: Administer, analyse and create a report.]

Industrial Psychology   Paper 8 [CO8.1: Connect the basic principles of I/O psychology to personnel and human resources management within the organization.]

Industrial Psychology   Paper 8 [CO8.2: Analyse an individual's performance by administering different performance appraisal tools.]

Industrial Psychology   Paper 8 [CO8.3: Understand the role of training in bridging the gap between the skills of an employee and job requirements.]

Industrial Psychology   Paper 8 [CO8.4: Learn about communication skills and why it is the foundation for success as a member of a team and as a leader.]

Industrial Psychology   Paper 8 Practicals [CO1: Understand how an effective team improves work culture.]

Industrial Psychology   Paper 8 Practicals [CO2: Differentiate between verbal and non-verbal intelligence tests.]




Title Year Download
NASA OUTREACH PROGRAM 05 Mar, 2024 Download


Our Faculty

Ms. Amrutha S

Assistant Professor

Ms. Thanushree VL

Assistant Professor

Ms Meghana S A

Assistant Professor

Mercy Padma VInod

Head of Department

Maanasa N Murthy

Assistant Professor

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