9th Research Program on FTIR and UV Visual spectroscopy

Date- 19.08.2024

Venue: DST-FIST For PG Lavel 0 lab, Chemistry


A program was organized with the support of Thermo Fisher and TSAR Pvt Ltd. The session was led by Dr. Anand, an Application Scientist from Thermo Fisher, under the guidance of Dr. Sushil Kumar Middha, RC, mLAC. The event began with an introduction to the resource persons and was inaugurated by Dr. B.N. Nagalaxmi, Principal. The resource person introduced cutting-edge technologies involving FTIR and UV spectroscopy. The primary beneficiaries were PG students from the Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Biotechnology departments. The program was well-received, and the final vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Sarvana Kumara, AP, Chemistry Department. Other attendees included Dr. S. Dutta, Dr. Usha T, and several other faculty members from mLAC.