MLACW (now mLAC) is an institution of excellence located strategically in the vicinity of national institutes of repute, such as Indian Institute of Science, Institute of Wood Science & Technology, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Raman Research Institute and Central Power Research Institute.


Spoorthi S Kumar

Assistant Professor

M.Com, KSET 

2 years 

Banking & Finance 


College Cultural Committee: Staff Coordinator 2021-2022

College Student’s Association: Teacher representative 

Student Welfare Association: Staff Coordinator 

Study Circle: Staff Coordinator 

Industry Talk: Staff Coordinator 2021-2022

Akanksha Student’s Association: Events Head-2022

Creative Committee: Staff Coordinator 

Webinar Committee: Staff Coordinator

Commerce Day- Staff Coordinator 


Conferences Attended

Milestone-Conclave Conference-Certified Management Accountant


  • Presented Research Paper Titled “A study on the relationship between Transformational Leadership and Employee’s Job Satisfaction at Housejoy Pvt. Ltd” at Charan’s Degree College at a National Conference on Trends in Management and Technology and published the same in IJCRT Journal; ISSN: 2320-2882  


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